Sunday, November 18, 2012

I've been M.I.A. What else is new. + TMI: City of Bones Teaser Trailer


  Once again, I have been gone. This time I've been super busy, like, no joke. My days start at 5am, yup, I said 5am. Now, I am not a morning person, I am the person who would sleep until 1pm. Notice how it's past tense, I can't do that anymore, I am so accustomed to waking up early now. I HATE IT. I miss sleeping in, I'm a freaking night owl for crying out loud!! It's sacrilegious I tell ya.

Well, my day consists of caring for my 2 year old nephew, did you know they call those years the "Terrible twos?" Well, it's  SO true!! He's not a bad kid, he's just so FULL of energy. When the hell did he turn into the energizer bunny? He is also mischievous, he'll cause havoc with an angelic smile on that adorable face of his. So I constantly find myself running after him, making sure he doesn't get into trouble and he only sleeps while I'm driving. I have him from 7am to 4pm. At 3:15pm, my 6 year old brother joins in. at 4:30 I go in to work, I get home 12ish. I read, I sleep around 2am. Yeah, and of course I do all I have to do while caring for my nephew. It's hard. A hand for all the mommies out there. I admire you.

Oh, here he goes: Aww wook at the wittle angel! NO. He is evil, he loves to torture and keep me awake. Okay, yeah, he IS adorable, but still.

I haven't been sleeping much. All work no play. And I know I might be exaggerating a bit, but I'm so stressed out, I'm also trying to get all my things together for school this January. So much crap that I have to do. I will be posting though. No biggie though. Ah and one more thing. 

How freaking awesome is that TEASER Trailer?! OMG I swear I freaking Fangirled so hard at work! I didn't care who was there. I just had to see it. Then Twitter exploded, It was amazing. How amazing is the cast? Lily, Jamie, Robert, Kevin, Jemima. And Godfrey's voice? Pure eargasm! 
I will be seeing Breaking Dawn pt. 2 Monday (11/19/2012)!! I really hope they show it in the previews.
I've been a fan of TMI since around the book "City of Bones" first came out. Then in 2009 I heard it was going to be made into a movie, and I just went apeshit. It broke my heart everytime it got pushed back. This year though, this year was it! I cannot wait for the movie!! 


Until next time, "Ramble on, keep on keeping on, but most of all man, rock on."